Dyrberg Kern Dyrberg/Kern Delight Topping, Farve: Guld, Onesize, Dame

299,00 kr   free shipping   
DELIGHT - a fun loving COMPLIMENTS topping in stainless steel, plated and adorned with a multitude of facetcut Krystals in various sizes. Diameter around 10 mm. Here shown in emerald green Krystals on a Guld tone finish. Twist it on any COMPLIMENTS ring or bracelet you have. Danish design - free of nickel, lead and cadmium. Shop DYRBERG/KERN DELIGHT TOPPING her. Elsker du også Dyrberg/Kern smykker, ringe, armbånd, ørestikker, øreringe og halskæder? Vi har alt på Dyrberg/Kern shoppen. ...
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Dyrbergkern.dk 299,00 kr free shipping 299,00 kr