One Piece: Collection 12 (Uncut) (4 disc) (import)

279,00 kr   + 39,00 kr   
12th collection of episodes, comprising episodes 276-299 from the anime following the adventures of a boy who sets out to become a pirate. Like many others before him, Monkey D. Luffy (voice of Mayumi Tanaka) is obsessed by the tale of the treasure horde called One Piece reputedly buried by the Pirate King Gol D.Roger before his execution. Armed with only his irrepressible nature, Monkey sets out to become a pirate in the dangerous waters of the Grand Line, and it isn't long before he has his own crew of ruffians, a ship and a navy fleet on his trail as he searches for the treasure that will crown him the new king of the pirates. The episodes are:Fated Mother and Daughter! The Mothers Name Is Olvia!The Tragedy of Ohara! The Terror of the Buster Call!Say You Want to Live! We Are Your Friends!Jump Towards the Falls! Luffys Feelings!The Ways of Men! Zoros Techniques, Usopps Dream!A Bond of Friendship Woven By Tears! Namis World Map!Parting Builds a Mans Character! Sanji and Chopper!Everything Is for Her Friends! Robin in the Darkness!Im Not Gonna Hand Over the Blueprints! Frankys Decision!Obtain the 5 Keys! The Straw Hat Pirates Vs CP9!Devil Fruit Powers! Kaku and Jabra Transform!I Wont Kick Even If It Costs Me My Life! Sanjis Chivalry!Fukurous Miscalculation! My Cola Is the Water of Life!Zoro Busts Out a New Technique! The Swords Name Is Sniperking?Uncontrollable! Choppers Forbidden Rumble!Boss Luffy Returns! Is It a Dream Or Reality? Lottery Ruckus!A Big Rice Cake Tossing Race at the Castle! Red Noses Plot!Bubble Master Kalifa! The Soap Trap Closes in On Nami!Resounding Bad News! The Buster Call Invoked!Five Namis? Nami Strikes Back With Mirages!Namis Decision! Fire at the Out-of-Control Chopper!Hunter Sanji Makes an Entrance? Elegy for a Lying Wolf!Fiery Kicks! Sanjis Full Course of Foot Techniques! Fierce Sword Attacks! Zoro Vs Kaku, Powerful Sword Fighting Showdown!. ...
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