Homeopathy For Today'S World - Dr. Rajan Sankaran - Bog

189,95 kr   + 29,95 kr   
The most important development in homeopathy since its discovery in the late 18th century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the Sensation Method of diagnosis developed by Dr. Rajan Sankaran explains that our experience and perceptions of life’s stresses are shaped by an inner pattern, or “song,” connected to one of the three kingdoms in nature--animal, plant, or mineral. Revealing itself as a constant underlying sensation felt in both the mind and the body and expressed through illness and chronic ailments, this inner song of reoccurring reactive patterns--be it that of a competitive lion, a sensitive daisy, or structured phosphorus--drives our emotions, dreams, ambitions, careers, and relationships and is the underlying factor behind why stress affects each of us so differently. Explaining that there are 7 levels to our experiences, Dr. Sankaran provides techniques to decode the words and gestures we use to describe our pain, emotions, and health conditions, allowing us to probe deeper into our experiences of stress and illness to determine what animal, plant, or mineral is “singing” within us. Showing how this core identity can be used by homeopathic physicians to treat our problems at their source, he reveals how becoming aware of our inner song can reduce the intensity of its negative effects, leading to less stress, better health, and more harmony in our lives. ...
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