Festa Sæt Med Stålbørster 3 Stk, Plast

49,00 kr   + 49,00 kr   
Info: Festa Sæt med stålbørster 3 stk, plastBeskrivelse:Set of three pieces of hand wier brushes - plastic base, 1x steel wire and 2x brass wire, use: steel - suitable for hard to reach places and fine cleaning and grinding work, for metal (not recommended for stainless steel), wood, rust removal, paint…. , brass - suitable for processing soft metals, and where it is necessary to avoid the possibility of sparking, fine grinding work, also suitable for stainless steel, packaging: blister with Euro hole. Vægt: 0.102 kg ...
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Fisto.dk 49,00 kr 49,00 kr 98,00 kr